segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008
Feliz Navidad
segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008
Coisa de ignorante
São parapentes chamados de "Escola". São aquelas velas que recebem homologação alemã, DHV 1 e são muito "tranquilos", mansos, pouco ágeis, mas possuindo uma grande capacidade de "perdoar" erros do piloto.
São parapentes chamados de "Saída de escola", mansos e tranqüilos, perfeitamente indicados para iniciantes autônomos, que estão começando a voar com suas próprias asas e escolher as suas condições de vôo.
São parapentes um pouco mais ágeis na pilotagem, porém sem comprometimento da segurança passiva. Em geral quem começa no esporte, deveria comprar um parapente de classe 1 ou desta classe, dependendo do estilo do piloto, mais ousado ou conservador.
Classe 1-2 avançado:
São parapentes chamados de "Saída de escola avançado", recebendo tambem homologação alemã DHV 1-2, eles possuem comportamento mais "vivo" é ágil que os da classicos DHV 1-2.
Por curiosidade, ler os artigos comparativos das revistas Françesas "Parpente Mag ou Vol libre" que apresentam as tabelas de diferenciações das categorias dos parapentes homologados DHV 1/2.
Apesar de ter rendimento superior aos da categoria anterior, estes parapentes são bastante tranqüilos é são indicados para os pilotos que estejam querendo alcançar um bom compromisso entre performance é alta segurança.
São parapentes chamados de "intermediários avançados", com homologação DHV 2. São indicados para pilotos que já voam a pelo menos 2 anos de maneira freqüente e estão em busca de vôos de distância (cross)ou participar de campeonatos.
São parapentes chamados de "performance", indicados somento para quem realmente tem uma boa experiência, faz vôos de distância ou participa de competições.
Em geral são velas de alta performance porém o piloto não tem tranqüilidade é precisam de atenção constante na seu pilotagem (pilotagem ativa).
São os modelos de seria os mais avançados do mercado.
Geralmente não possuem homologação e seu uso é por conta e risco do piloto. Ate prototipos de algumas marcas participam das competições, nacionais é internacionais. São parapentes muito ariscos e difíceis de serem pilotados. São sò para pilotos fora do padrão e que praticam de competições regularmente.
Thing of ignorant
The first thing that I discovered when I decided to study and to research the world of the flight free from paraglider it is that I was a tremendous ignoramus regarding this sport that I dreamed to practice. And that ignorance was ruled in the concept that there were not classifications in the models of the paragliders, in other words, I thought that a paraglider was for any flying, be him inexperienced, be him a master of the airs.
It is happily I was wrong. The paragliders proceed, in a general way, patterns of approvals that are going from the training paragliders to the advanced ones.
The safety was and it is my largest concern when I decided to fly. For my luck that ruled classification in the flight safety exists.
After all, I don't have two lives and I intend to live that only carnal life for many years and if possible also flying.
We can classify them as (the information below were removed of the site master's Sivuca Ventomania):
Class 1: They are called paragliders of " School ". Saint those candles that receive German approval, DHV 1 and healthy very " calm ", tame, little agile, but possessing a great capacity " to forgive " the pilot's mistakes.
Class 1-2: They are perfectly called paragliders of " school " Exit, tame and calm, suitable for autonomous beginners, that are beginning to fly with your own wings and to choose your flight conditions. They are paragliders a little more agile in the pilotagem, however without compromising of the passive safety. In general who begins in the sport, he/she should buy a paraglider of class 1 or of this class, depending on the pilot's style, more daring or conservative.
Class 1-2 advanced: They are called paragliders of " school Exit moved forward ", also receiving German approval DHV 1-2, they possess more alive " behavior it is agile that the one of classic DHV 1-2. For curiosity, to read the comparative goods of the French " magazines Paraglider Mag or Vol libre " that present the tables of differentiations of the categories of the ratified paragliders DHV 1/2. In spite of having superior revenue to the of the previous category, these paragliders are quite calm it is they are suitable for the pilots that are wanting to reach a good commitment among performance it is high safety.
Class 2: They are advanced " middlemen's called paragliders, with approval DHV 2. Saint indicated for pilots that already fly the at least 2 years in a frequent way and they are in search of distance flights (cross)ou to participate in championships.
Class 2-3: They are called paragliders of " performance ", suitable somento for who really has a good experience, makes distance flights or it participates in competitions. In general they are candles of high performance however the pilot doesn't have peacefulness it is they need constant attention in your form of (to pilot active).
Competition: They are the models of it would be the most advanced of the market. They don't usually possess approval and your use is for bill and the pilot's risk. Tie prototypes of some marks they participate in the competitions, national it is international. They are very unfriendly and difficult paragliders of they be pilot. They are out sò for pilots of the pattern and that practice regularly of competitions.
The drawing of the paragliders is different to assist above to the demands. If we notice the closest paragliders of the classification " beginner " they are more narrow and few cells (the physical division of each candle) and as the classification of the paragliders is going " arising " for the experienced pilots' level and experts, the candles are longer in length and more narrow in width.
See the illustrations above (retreats of SOL Paraglider's site - Brazilian company of high quality in the paragliders production and accessories)