Depois de tanto tempo sem postar por aqui, vou retomar as atividades neste blog.
Voar, eu estou voando, não tanto quanto eu queria, mas tenho tirado os pés do chão.
Ainda considero-me um novato, um aluno, um preá. Ainda tenho aquela insegurança inicial, mas vou vencendo os obstáculos do medo que, protege mas detem.
Não sei se seguirei a mesma ordem cronológica que estava seguindo, mas tentarei manter o objetivo deste blog que é passar a experiência de quem é inexperiente no voo livre de parapente.
Resuming the blog
Hello everybody,
After so long without posting, I will resume the activities in this blog.
I'm flying, not as much as I wanted.
I still think that I am a beginner, a student, a "preá" (guinea pig).
I'm overcoming the obstacles of fear. Fear protects but paralizes
I do not know if I will follow the same chronological order, but I keep the goal of this blog : pass the experience of someone who is inexperienced in the flight paragliding.
Resuming the blog
Hello everybody,
After so long without posting, I will resume the activities in this blog.
I'm flying, not as much as I wanted.
I still think that I am a beginner, a student, a "preá" (guinea pig).
I'm overcoming the obstacles of fear. Fear protects but paralizes
I do not know if I will follow the same chronological order, but I keep the goal of this blog : pass the experience of someone who is inexperienced in the flight paragliding.
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